Metallica - The Cure

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Metallica - The Cure

Messaggiodi slashizzy

"The Cure"

Codice: Seleziona tutto

-0-0-3~-0--4-5-- 4-5----0-0-3~-0--4-5--4-5----0-3~-0---4-5--4-5---|

  Keep strumming F#, gradually lidting palm off of bridge

  all open string notes - (E)


The man takes another bullet
He keeps them all within
He must seek no matter how it hurts
So don't fool again
He thinks the answer is cold and in his hand
He takes his medicine
The man takes another bullet
He's been fooled again
Uncross your arms
Take and throw them to the cure, say...
I do believe

        Uncross your arms now
        Take them to it I say...
        I do believe
        Yeah, I do believe

The lie is tempted and she follows
Again she hits him in
She must believe to feel the hollow
She's been fooled again

        Uncross your arms
        Take and throw them to the cure, say...
        I do believe
        Uncross your arms now
        Take them to it I say...
        I do believe
        Oh yeah, I do believe

Betting on the cure
It must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Yeah everyone's gotta to have the sickness
Cause everyone seems to need the cure
Precious cure

Betting on the cure
Cause it must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Yeah everyone's gotta to have the sickness
Cause everyone seems to need the cure
Precious cure
I do beleive

Betting on the cure
It must get better than this
Need to feel secure
Yeah it's got to get better than this
It must get better than this
Betting on the cure
Everyone's gotta to have the sickness
Cause everyone seems to need the cure
I do believe

Io la propongo, il fatto è che con la mia folk non viene per nulla bene...
sto riff  :twisted:
Ultima modifica di slashizzy su , modificato 2 volte in totale.

Messaggi: 769
Località: La terra della filosofia

Messaggiodi slashizzy

Nessuno mi sa dire se è giusta?

Messaggi: 769
Località: La terra della filosofia

Messaggiodi Mauro80

Ehm, io non la conosco proprio...

Messaggi: 7933
Località: TO

Messaggiodi slashizzy

L'ho modificata inserendo i code, dato che all'epoca non li sapevo usare.
Qualcuno sa dirmi se è giusta?Grazie, un bacio dal mio avatar

Messaggi: 769
Località: La terra della filosofia

Messaggiodi Guit'EmAll

Qui trovi la versione originale -----> ... a/cure.php :wink:

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