sex drugs and rock n roll - guns n'roses

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sex drugs and rock n roll - guns n'roses

Messaggiodi dnt

salve a tutti.. scusate potete procurarmi la traduzione di sex drugs and rokc n roll dei gun 'n roses???? grazie a tutti!

Messaggi: 58

Messaggiodi Rustuzzz

La traduzione non la trovo, ma mentre che ci sono metto gli accordi

Codice: Seleziona tutto
It was long ago
seems like a dream
the day I sucked the air
from a bottle of whipped cream
and I got real high
            D              Em
and things got real slow

and I started talking like this
whats going on? I don't know
            G           D
and then I sold my car
For a greatful dead ticket
and my dad yelled at me     
and he grounded me
and he said I was a dick It was the worst day of my life
and ill never forget it
but the very next day
I was doing bong hits in the back of my friends chevete
               G         D     
so don't tell me we're winning the war on drugs
        Em                                     C
cause drugs are like a big old can of Raid and you're all little bugs
     G                         D
and don't tell me to not get high
            Em                                            C
cause im as low as i can get without kissing your ass and blowing you at the same time

G                        D
man don't tell me about love and peace
     Em                      C                    G
when one of the Jones' has a hand gun pointing at me
dont tell me to "Just say no"
      Em                  C
am an addict, I say no to let me go
G                    D
whatever happened to sex drugs and rock and roll?
Em               C                   G
now we just have aids, crack and techno


so they busted me!

I said I say, fuck them up for selling dope
and i went to jail and I wasn't forgiven
like that little fucker who shot the pope and said
I have the right to remain silent
but they couldn't explain
how i didn't exist no I wasnt violent
cause all i ever wanted is the right to remain
              G                                D
and then they questioned me, yeah they asked me

and I said I don't think I should be shot for selling pot
this is my little way of saying...
      G                                  D
high, and now my record is all fucked up

and im not allowed to vote
and two times a week they make me piss in a cup
but what i wanna do is piss down their throats

G                        D
man don't tell me about love and peace
     Em                      C                    G
when one of the Jones' has a hand gun pointing at me
dont tell me to just say no
      Em                  C
im an addict, I say no to let me go
G                    D
whatever happened to sex drugs and rock and roll?
Em               C                   G
now we just have aids, crack and techno.

i don´t like the disco
and i don´t like the house
cos´ i was born to rock
i´m born to pogo!
i'm the KING OF THE POGO!!!
Messaggi: 186
Località: Messina

Messaggiodi dnt

no vabbe il testo l'avevo anche io... ma mi serbiva solo la traduzione... grazie lo stesso x gli accordi

Messaggi: 58

Messaggiodi SoundOfDreams

Non è una canzone dei guns n'roses.

Messaggi: 12638
Località: Villa Literno (Caserta)

Messaggiodi mauz bitto

e l'artista nel titolo?? :?

mauz bitto
Messaggi: 3531
Località: Bitonto (Ba)

Messaggiodi SoundOfDreams

mauz bitto ha scritto:e l'artista nel titolo?? :?
Non è dei guns,non si sa di chi è.Un simpaticone l'ha mandata a tutto il popolo del mulo sotto questo nome ma non si sa di chi è.

Messaggi: 12638
Località: Villa Literno (Caserta)

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