volevo gentilmente esporvi un mio problema:
voglio suonare march of the dogs acustica, vi linko come vorrei farla:
su un altro sito ho trovato le seguenti tabs
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All right, this is how deryck exactly plays this song with his acoustic guitar, you have
put your capo on the second fret.
-11-11-11-11--11-11-11-11--11-11-11-11--11-11-11-11-----| x4
intro ( i don't believe in...)
Pre-Chorus (And here we go...)
(it's too late, there's no doubt..)
Chorus (March of the dogs..)
-11-11--11-11--11-11--11-11-----------------------------| x2
(white flag is down, send in the clowns)
Solo (In the acoustic version, deryck doesn't play the solo, he just play the chords)
Outro (Same as intro)
bene, il problema è che nn so come farla, cioè quali parti vocali corrispondono a quali accordi... potreste mettermi il testo sui singoli accordi???
Scusatemi se vi rompo XD FF:: FF:: FF:: FF:: grazie in anticipo SECCHIONI DELLA CHITARRA XD